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Armed And Dangerous Cheats
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Armed And Dangerous Cheats


Big Boots
At the code entry screen, press R, White, Y, A, L, B, White, X.
Big Hands
At the code entry screen, press R, White, X, L, White, R(2), Y.
Big Heads
At the code entry screen, press L, Black, B, White(2), B, Black, L.
Fill Ammo
At the code entry screen, press Black, B, A, R(2), A, L, Black.
Fill Health Bar
At the code entry screen, press X, R, A, Y, Black, B, A, R.
God Mode
At the code entry screen, press Y, A, B, X, B, A(2), L.
Infinite Ammo
At the code entry screen, press A, L(2), Black, B, White, L(2).
At the code entry screen, press X(3), R, A, L(2), Y.
Play Any Level
At the code entry screen, press Y, White, Black, L, A, R(2), Y.
Topsy Turvy
At the code entry screen, press Y, A, B(2), A, B, White(2).
View Any Movie
At the code entry screen, press A, Y, A, Y, Black, R, A, Y.

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