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Inuyasha: The Secret Of The Cursed Mask Cheats


Defeating Kanna
Wait for her to turn and say either "Give me your soul" or "Listen to my voice", then attack her. If you attack her when she says "You can have it back", your attack will be deflected back to you.
Defeating Naraku
Naraku will take form of a spider when you first see him in the cave where you meet Kohaku and the two flying bat demons. Kagura will help you for one demon to become free she says when the door opens. Naraku will send a Miasma and you cannot get through it. However, Kagura will use "Dance Of Blade" and defeat the puppet. Then, Naraku will take Kagome's Shard and absorb it into his spider body and change form. The key to winning is to use Inuyasha's "Wind Scar", and whoever your character's Shikigami Powers and Sango becasuse they are the strongest.
Kagome Takes A Bath With Kaname
Go to Rindoh Village after you get the Magatama Fruit. You will take the next day off. Choose Kagome to hang out, then they talk about taking a bath. You will see a shot of Kagome in a cold lake.
Michiru Watches Kagome Take Bath
When you first arrive in Rindoh Village, you will get a day off. Pick Kagome. She then tells the main character (boy) not to peek, and then he gets stressed.
New Game+
Successfully complete the game and save your game data when prompted. Start a new game and play until reaching Kaede's village. After you meet Kagome, find the mysterious talking cat (located on the west side of the village, slightly beyond Kaede's house near the man standing next to the tree). After you talk to the cat, you will have all of your stats from your previous saved game.
Saving Before The Spider Demon
You can save the game if you talk to the cat at the Temple before you fight the Spider Demon. The cat is located at the bottom of the stairs that are past the door. You must use a key found in the Temple.
Saving In The Castle
You can save in the castle by talking to the cat. The cat can be found in between the stairs that lead up, and the stairs that go down on the first floor you enter in the castle.
Saving In The Mansion
You can save the game at the cat in the mansion you enter on your way to the Castle Town. To get to the cat, leave the initial room, go down the hallway from the group of demons, then go left until you see a room. Enter the room, then go to the door to the left.
Shikigami Disk
On Asagiri Island, after you get blown up by the Flame Demon, you will be on the beach with the person who you have the strongest relationship with. After you see Kagura and utsugi, go to the beach where they came from. There will be two items there. One is the Shikigami Disk, which raises your attack and defesne +20.
Skate On Ground
Run and repeatedly tap Walk to make it seem that the characters are skating on the ground.
Wrong Dialogue
If you play as the male character, sometimes the others will refer to you as "she" and "her".

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