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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds Cheats
Cheat Codes > PS2 Cheats > Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds Cheat Codes

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds Cheats


Abominator In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 10 with a "Professional" rank.
Amber Benson Interview
Successfully complete level 2 with any rank.
Amber Benson's Voice Overs
Successfully complete level 8 with any rank.
Anthony Stewart Head Interview
Successfully complete level 1 with any rank.
Anthony Stewart Head's Voice Overs
Successfully complete level 7 with any rank.
Bat Beast In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 4 with a "Professional" rank.
Cemetery Multi-player Arena
Successfully complete level 2 with a "Slayer" rank.
Chainz In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 10 with a "Slayer" rank.
Chaos Bleeds Comic Book
Successfully complete level 5 with any rank.
Chris In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 12 with a "Slayer" rank.
Faith In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 8 with a "Professional" rank.
Female Vampire In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 1 with a "Slayer" rank.
Initiative Multi-player Arena
Successfully complete level 8 with a "Slayer" rank.
James Marsters' Voice Overs
Successfully complete level 6 with any rank.
Joss Whedon In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 12 with a "Professional" rank.
Joss Whedon's Voice Overs
Successfully complete level 11 with any rank.
Kakistos In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 9 with a "Slayer" rank.
Male Vampire In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 1 with a "Professional" rank.
Materani In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 5 with a "Professional" rank.
Nicholas Brendan Interview
Successfully complete level 3 with any rank.
Nicholas Brendon's Voice Overs
Successfully complete level 9 with any rank.
Successfully complete level 12 with any rank.
Psycho Patient In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 6 with a "Professional" rank.
Quarry Multi-player Arena
Successfully complete level 11 with a "Slayer" rank.
Robin Sachs Interview
Successfully complete level 4 with any rank.
Robin Sachs' Voice Overs
Successfully complete level 10 with any rank.
S&M Mistress In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 7 with a "Slayer" rank.
S&M Slave In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 7 with a "Professional" rank.
Sid The Dummy In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 6 with a "Slayer" rank.
Tara In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 3 with a "Slayer" rank.
Zombie Demon In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 3 with a "Professional" rank.
Zombie Devil In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 4 with a "Slayer" rank.
Zombie Gorilla In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 11 with a "Professional" rank.
Zombie Skeleton In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 2 with a "Professional" rank.
Zombie Soldier In Multi-player Mode
Successfully complete level 9 with a "Professional" rank.

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