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Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil Cheats

Nintendo 64

Cheat Codes
Enter one of the following codes at the "Enter Cheat" screen. If you entered the code correctly, the cheat will be displayed on the screen. Then, select the "Cheats" option and set each enabled code as desired. All cheats entered can be saved after reaching a save point.

    Big cheat

    Enter "BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND" as a code. This unlocks all cheats in the cheat menu.

    Juan's cheat

    Enter "HEEERESJUAN" as a code. This places Juan's face on all Life Tokens. The Gold Tokens stay the same size, but the Red Tokens are huge.

    Zach attack cheat

    Enter "AAHGOO" as a code. This places little baby Zach's face on all Gold Tokens, and turns them from gold to blue.

    Gouraud shading

    Enter "WHATSATEXTUREMAP" as a code. This replaces all shading with basic, solid colors.

    Frooty stripes

    Enter "FROOTSTRIPE" as a code. This makes all environments rainbow-colored.

    Blackout mode

    Enter "LIGHTSOUT" as a code. This makes all environments very dark.

    Pen and ink mode

    Enter "IGOTABFA" as a code. This will make the graphics black and white line art, similar to a sketchbook.

    Stick man mode

    Enter "HOLASTICKBOY" as a code.

    Big head mode

    Enter "UBERNOODLE" as a code.

    Big hands and feet

    Enter "STOMPEM" as a code.

    Small enemy heads

    Enter "PIPSQUEAK" as a code.

Two Players In Single Player Mode
Obtain the warp cheat for the desired level to be played. Then, enter the multi-player options and set the game to no time limit and no frag limit. Begin a regular multi-player match, then pause the game. Return to the cheat option to advance to the desired single player level. Resume the game to play with unlimited health, due to the no frag limit setting.
Note: Portals can not be used when playing in this manner.

Gameshark Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil Hacks
Moon Jump Without Expansion PakD00F5C61 0020
Moon Jump With Expansion PakD00F5C61 0020
Enable Cheat Modifier 18111AADC ????
Enable Cheat Modifier 28111AADE ????
Quantity Digits to Accompany Cheat Modifier 1 Code
0001 - Warp-Port of Adia
0002 - Warp-River of Souls
0004 - Warp-Death Marshes
0008 - Warp-Liar of The Blind Ones
0010 - Warp-Hive of The Mantis
0020 - Warp-Primagen's Lightship
0040 - Warp-Queen Boss
0080 - Warp-Blind One Boss
0100 - Warp-Mother Boss
0200 - Warp-Primagen Boss
0400 - Warp-Credits
07FF - All of the Above
Quantity Digits to Accompany Cheat Modifier 2 Code
0001 - Invincibility
0002 - Infinite Lives
0004 - All Weapons
0008 - Unlimited Ammo
0010 - All Special Objects
0020 - Big Head Mode
0040 - Tiny Mode
0080 - Stick Mode
0100 - Big Hands/Feet Mode
0200 - Pen & Ink Mode
0400 - Gouraud Mode
0800 - Juan's Cheat
1000 - Zach Attack
2000 - All Map
4000 - Blackout
8000 - Frooty Stripes
FFFF - All of the Above

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