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Polaris SnoCross 2001 Cheats

Nintendo 64

    Back Flip: Hold R + Z, then press Down(3) (requires big air).
    Barrel Roll: Hold L + R, then press Right, Up, Left.
    Cliffhanger: Press L (or Z) + Left, Right.
    Decade: Press R + Left, Right.
    Decade/360: Hold L + R, then press Left, Down, Right.
    Front Flip: Hold R + Z, then press Up(3) (requires big air).
    Front Flip: Hold L + R, then press Up(3).
    Front Flip/Barrel Roll: Hold L + R (or Z), then press Up, Down, Up.
    Hand Plant: Hold L + R (or Z), then press Down, Up(2) (requires big air).
    Lazyboy: Press L (or Z) + Right, Left.
    Nac Nac: Press L (or Z) + Right, Down.
    No Foot: Press L (or Z) + Down.
    No Hander: Press R + Up.
    Pointer: Press R + Left, Left.
    Reverse Front Flip/Barrel Roll: Hold L + R (or Z), then press Down, Up, Down.
    Superman: Press R + Down, Down.

Gameshark Polaris SnoCross 2001 Hacks
Unlock All Tracks81083252 03FF
Unlock All Sleds8108324E FFFF
Max Race Points8108321F FFFF
All Divisions Complete8008323F 00FF
Continue Tournament With All
Tracks/Divisions Unlocked
80083247 00FF
100 Wrenches 440 XCR '9980083168 0064
100 Wrenches 500 XC '9980083169 0064
100 Wrenches 600 XC '998008316A 0064
100 Wrenches 700 XC '998008316B 0064
100 Wrenches 800 XCR '998008316C 0064
100 Wrenches 440 XCR '008008316D 0064
100 Wrenches 500 XCSP '008008316E 0064
100 Wrenches 600 XCSP '008008316F 0064
100 Wrenches 700 XCSP '0080083170 0064
100 Wrenches 800 XCR '0080083171 0064
100 Wrenches 440 XCR '0180083172 0064
100 Wrenches 500 XCSP '0180083173 0064
100 Wrenches 600 XCSP '0180083177 0064
100 Wrenches 700 XC '0180083178 0064
100 Wrenches 800 XC '018008317C 0064
100 Wrenches 600 Edge X80083182 0064
100 Wrenches Sno-Razor80083186 0064
100 Wrenches Lobster8008318C 0064
100 Wrenches Kundari80083190 0064
100 Wrenches Xeno Force80083191 0064
100 Wrenches Siberon80083192 0064

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