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Metal Gear Solid Cheats

Game Boy

Automatic Ration Use
By equipping rations as opposed to simply using them, they will automatically be used by Snake when needed. This is especially useful in Boss battles, or when there is a chance of being hit by a powerful attack.
Defeating Revolver Ocelot
Use the shoot while running trick and follow him around the arena. Keep shooting him in the back until he is down.
Defeating The Tank
Throw a chaff grenade on the ground, and when it explodes, run towards the tank and throw a grenade into the tank. If the grenade does not go into the tank, it will take a small amount of health off. However, if it did it will instantly kill the guard. It is possible to defeat the tank with only two grenades.
Get Past The Wolves
You can use the handkerchief to get past the wolves that are in the cave before the place where you first meet Sniper Wolf.

In-game Entertainment
Successfully complete the game, and then start a new game. Dial up 140.07 on the Codec to hear some in-game entertainment.
Plot Revelation
Successfully complete stages in the special stage select to get No. 4 to reveal pieces of the plot.
See FaMas Bullets
Shoot until you have two bullets left, then equip your bandanna and shoot again.
Sound Menu
Successfully complete the VR training missions with a 100% ranking. The sound menu will be unlocked at the options screen and allows all game sounds and music to be played.
Special Stage Select
Successfully complete the game on the easy or greater difficulty setting. The special stage select allows any level to be played with new mission objectives.

Gameshark Metal Gear Solid Hacks
Infinite Health0118E3C5
Infinite Rations01FF09C6
Infinite Oxygen012BE4C5
Have Mine Detector01060EC6
Have Level Key01040CC6
No Alert0100E3C4
One-Hit Death (All Bosses)010002C7
Random Body Parts Detatch015401C0
Item Modifier01??08C6
Infinite Ammo Slot 101FFEFC5
Weapon Modifier Slot 101??EEC5
Infinite Ammo Slot 201FFF1C5
Weapon Modifier Slot 201??F0C5
Infinite Ammo Slot 301FFF3C5
Weapon Modifier Slot 301??F2C5
Infinite Ammo Slot 401FFF5C5
Weapon Modifier Slot 401??F4C5
Infinite Ammo Slot 501FFF7C5
Weapon Modifier Slot 501??F6C5
Infinite Ammo Slot 601FFF9C5
Weapon Modifier Slot 601??F8C5
Infinite Ammo Slot 701FFFBC5
Weapon Modifier Slot 701??FAC5
Infinite Ammo Slot 801FFFDC5
Weapon Modifier Slot 801??FCC5
Level Modifier of Level Key01??0DC6
End of Level Stats Screen Modifier Codes
Rations Used (00-FF)01??ECC4
Being Found (00-FF)01??EEC4
Enemies Killed (00-FF)01??F0C4
Total Time Modifier Codes
Hour Modifier (00-3B)01??F4C4
Minute Modifier (00-3B)01??F5C4
Second Modifier (00-3B)01??F6C4
Quantity Digits to Accompany Item Modifier Code
01 - Fogger
02 - Ration
03 - Thermal Goggles
06 - Mine Detector
07 - Night Visions
08 - Gas Mask
0A - Cardboard Box R
0B - Cardboard Box Y
0C - Cardboard Box B
0D - Body Armor
0E - Fox Hound
0F - Bomb
Quantity Digits to Accompany Weapon Modifier Code
01 - Five Seven
02 - Assualt Rifle
03 - Nikata Missles
04 - Grenade
05 - Stun Grenade
06 - Chaff Grenade
07 - Land Mine
08 - C4
0A - Bananna

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